- Research Director EHESS
- Researcher Centre Maurice Halbwachs
Adresse postale :
Campus Jourdan - UMR 8097
48 bd Jourdan 75014 Paris
Contact by email below
History & Sociology
Welcome to this site, which brings together all my publications
and research since 2001.
My three research themes
Bureaucrats, Business & Lobbying
I'm interested in the administrative production of economic rationalities, and in particular in the relationship between corporate executives and senior management. This theme cuts across several of my publications.
State, Nation & Immigration
For ten years I worked on the history of the French state in its relationship to decolonization and the evolution of migration policies. This site lists my work on migration policies and racism.
Rationalism & Academic freedom
​Several of my publications deal with the question of the autonomy of the scientific field from political, military or economic powers: trials of researchers, the history of scholarly commitments, etc.
Ici quelques recensions ou échos de mes travaux dans la presse ou sur d'autres sites...
Pas une recension complète, juste quelques retours autour de mes publications.